Monday, March 7, 2011

Heat of the Moment

So yesterday I mentioned that I realized my story would go better if I inserted a chapter break earlier than I had originally intended. I went ahead and wrote Chapter Three today, and then realized that the two scenes I wrote for Chapter Three would fit better as the end of Chapter Two.

So now I have a prologue, and two chapters totaling roughly 7,100 words. It's interesting how fast you can progress writing 1,000 words a day. That's roughly three months to knock out a 100,000 word novel. In the world of technology that we live in today you could publish three or four books a year. If you spend more than a couple of hours a day writing you could publish even more. This is of course assuming you outsource some of the editing.

So if some of you were playing around with an idea in your head just start writing 1,000 words a day. If I can do it I'm pretty sure anyone can.

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